Students Won Second Place in "點子- 社企商業方案比拼", a Social Enterprises Business Plan Competition



A team of six talented social work students recently participated in the "點子- 社企商業方案比拼" business proposal writing competition organized by Zion Social Services - Yuk Lai Hin Counseling Centre, and achieved remarkable success. The primary objective of the competition was to promote social entrepreneurship and address the critical issue of gambling prevention.

The competition comprised four rigorous rounds, where participants were tasked with designing feasible and innovative proposals for a gambling prevention program. They had to present their proposals to various stakeholders, including schools at different levels and industry representatives.

To equip the students with essential knowledge, the organizers provided them with online training and professional sharing sessions. These sessions covered topics such as psychology, brand image establishment, presentation skills, and more. The students applied their newfound knowledge to design social enterprise business proposals focused on gambling prevention. They then competed against other teams to showcase their exceptional proposals.

After the intense four rounds of competition, the SYU team emerged as the impressive 1st runner-up.

In recognition of their achievements, the team was also invited to share their experiences on Radio 5 of RTHK, providing them with a valuable platform to showcase their accomplishments and learning journey.

This competition experience proved to be a catalyst for the students' growth, offering them invaluable opportunities to broaden their horizons through competing with diverse teams.

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